
You have selected Chisholm Trail, TX
5413 Sierra Springs Ln., Fort Worth, TX 76123

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (R) and Inside Out 2 (PG) are No Pass Films

Children's Summer Series is on!
Weekdays through August. $6 ticket includes a small popcorn and fountain drink. Get Tickets >>

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Size Chart


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We're sorry, there was a problem with our system: [return the ajax error message]. Please go back and try what you were doing again.


Something's up with that promo code...

Please try these steps to resolve the problem.

  1. Double check your entry for accuracy.
  2. Restrictions may apply or your promo code may be redeemable at the Box Office only.
  3. Clear your cache and restart the session.

Unable to reserve your seats

Please close your browser, clear your cache, and try your purchase again.



There are not enough seats available to satisfy your request. Please adjust the ticket quantity and try again.


Unable to display seat map

Please close your browser, clear your cache, and try your purchase again.


Something's up with that food bundle selection...

Please try your selection again.


Uh, oh – time's up!

Please go back and re-select your seats.


Something's up with that card...

There was an error processing your order: [return the error message]. Please go back and try again.


Something's up with that gift card...

There was an error processing your order: [return the error message]. Please go back and try again.


Uh, oh! Login failed!

Either the username or password you entered is invalid. Please go back and try again.


Oh, no! Login failed!

Please re-enter your email address and password to try again. Alternatively, you may checkout as a guest.


Oh, no! Account Exists!

An already exsits for this email. Try logging in.


Oh, no! There was a problem creating your account!

An account already exsits for this email. Try logging in.


Oh, no! Login Failed!

The username and password combination failed. Please try again.


Oh, no! Change Password Failed!

We were unable to change your password. Please try again.


The seat picker works best in landscape mode. Please rotate your phone!